Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Essentials to Pack

Obvious and not so obvious...

This is the short list of things I recommend packing, other obvious stuff like tank tops and shorts I won't bore anyone with. Some of these are obvious but they are all items I cannot stress enough to people doing the DCP. They all made my life so much easier during my time in Disney, and they should do the same for all of you. I'll even throw some links in here to what I used.

Rain Gear: It's Florida, rain is about as predictable as lottery numbers and is spotty as a dalmatian. I've left Chatham where it's pouring, showed up to MK and it's gorgeous, so ya never know. Last thing you want is being caught without some form of rain gear, so always keep a poncho or rain jacket with you when your at the parks.

Portable Phone Charger: I commend anyone who can survive a day at the parks on one full phone charge, I know I couldn't. So invest in one, they can be cheap or expensive depending on how much extra charge you want with you, but you'll be happy when it's 2PM and you can fully recharge while standing in line or eating.

Portable Phone Charger

Refillable Water Bottle: It's hot, your gonna get dehydrated easily and there are water fountains everywhere to refill. Get used to drinking like a fish to stay functional and avoid headaches, never left my apartment without mine.

Water Bottle

Running Shoes: Don't be the person complaining about your feet hurting. They're comfortable, you'll have plenty of support and you'll be able to walk all day without issues. These are an essential.

Sweatshirt & Sweatpants: Whaaat??? But it's Florida! And your not paying utilities so your apartment will always be an ice box. And if you do the fall program, the winter months can hit 60s and 50s at night, you'll want that me.

Cheap Sunglasses: Keyword here is cheap. Mine fell off my face, got tossed in my bag, into the storage nets on rides and just all around beat up. They cost $20, so I could've cared less what happened to them or if I lost them. Was just one thing I never had to stress about.
Backpack: Between work and the parks, your gonna be bringing stuff with you everywhere you go. For me, I always had my water bottle, rain jacket, keys, portable phone charger, wall charger, wallet and who knows what else depending on where I was going. So you probably have a backpack already. I was rarely seen without mine, bring it down with you and you'll probably use it religiously.

Brita Filter: You will use it every day in your apartment, especially knowing how hot it gets. Even though I had no issue using the water fountains in the parks for water, but when I could use my Brita in my apartment I did.

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